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EARTH HOUR 2009 Friday, March 20, 2009 |

As someone greatly concerned about the impacts of climate change, I am writing to Malaysian officials to urge you all to confront this enormous threat to the health of our planet and its inhabitants.

On March 28, 2009, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., I will join with millions of people around the globe in turning off the lights for one hour -- Earth Hour -- to make a bold statement about climate change. (www.EarthHour.org)

I urge you all to participate in Earth Hour by turning off the lights in landmark buildings – KLCC, Penang Bridge, Istana Negara, Gurney Drive etc -- and by encouraging your constituents to be part of this monumental unified call for action on climate change.

More than 50 million people switched off their lights for Earth Hour 2008. The lights went out in the Empire State Building, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Coliseum in Rome and the Sydney Opera House. Even Google's home page went dark for the day.

Hundreds of cities have already agreed to participate in Earth Hour 2009, including Auckland, Beijing, Bogota, Cape Town, Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Kiev, Lisbon, London, Manila, Mexico City, Moscow, New York, Oslo, Paris, Rome, Singapore, Shanghai, Sydney, Toronto, Vancouver, and Warsaw.

By turning off my lights for Earth Hour, I will be symbolically calling on you to

*Urge the government to lead the global effort to secure a strong new climate change treaty

*Support global efforts to curb deforestation, the cause of nearly 20 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions worldwide

* Support legislation to establish a cap-and-trade program to lower domestic greenhouse gas emissions and promote the creation of a low carbon economy through renewable energy sources and improved energy efficiency standards

* Develop a preparedness strategy to assess and cope with the impacts of climate change on people, regions, ecosystems and agriculture in Malaysia

Our climate is changing rapidly and already the effects are being felt. The impacts will grow and will profoundly affect current and future generations, wildlife and everything else we care about.

I am taking action; now it's your turn.

Tunku Izzat Hussain

Tap Tap Tappity Tap Thursday, February 12, 2009 |

Today, I decided to write a reply letter to my dearest Kakak in Chicago. It has been a while since I actually wrote a letter to anyone. I was going to try out the fountain pens that my brother gave me as pressies. So, I prepped the pens I was going to use and got everything ready. Then a thought flashed through my eyes of how my handwriting would turn out. I was sure that my handwriting was going to be atrocious. True enough.. it was.

Atrocious it was but nonetheless I finished writing the letter. However, what happened along the way of the letter being completed was interesting. I didn't even get past the first paragraph when my hand started cramping up. I had to rest for a minute, shake my hand and start writing again. I felt the same way when I played the piano the other day. I knew I had to work out my finger muscles again.

Oh Dear God! I do hope it's not athritis.

So dear friends, typing & clicking on the mouse on the pc is not finger exercise. Actually it makes our hands and fingers become lazy. So get out there and do some finger exercise. If you need professional advice on how to do finger exercises, I would gladly point to you in the right direction. I have a Doctor friend living in the UK who specialises in fingers.

Righto! I'm off!

tap tap tappity tap tap. tap tap tappity tap tap tap tap tappity tap.

Happy Birthday, Nini! |

My sister in law just turn thirty yesterday. This is the most interesting part of life as it only gets more exciting and interesting from now on.

To my sis in law aka langau extraordinaire...


Life only gets better from now on. ;)

Can you see the light? Wednesday, February 11, 2009 |

After months of planning, brainstorming, exploring ideas and working out what works best for what "The Reserve" has to offer, finally I can see a faint distant light at the end of the tunnel. The core objective is to turn nothing into something with commercial value. 

Now all I have to do is head towards the light.

I feel like a moth attracted to a burning flame. I hope my wings don't get burnt.


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