There came a time when I get really dumbfounded as to what should be done next. I realised that when you're in such a state, the only thing left to do is to keep going and "JUST DO IT". After two more days of intense clearing work, the results are really satisfying.
Slowly but surely, as one would say, persistence and perseverance bundled with tonnes of patience is the mixture of transformation.

Someone's conveniently dumping rubbish at the main entrance..
To add to the rubbish, two trees conveniently fell right at the main entrance.

Oh well, we cleared it. A little sweat but 20 minutes later we were on our way.

We decided to do a bit of exploring today and see what the jungle had in store for us.
And after a long trek uphill following a steady stream, we encountered a few interesting spots along the way, the water was amazingly cool and fresh. You can't beat what mother nature has to offer.

This was the point where I slipped and landed in the pool of water. Luckily enough none of us got injured except for a few minor scrapes. Our GPS navigator was not that lucky though, he slipped and fell through a rotting log and disappeared from our sight within seconds. He was more in shock from the fall than being injured from it. Jungle Lesson of the day, "Don't walk on rotting logs however sturdy they may look!"

We found this huge rock in the middle of the 'jeram'. It was quite amazing as this was the largest one around.

We decided to call it a day when our path was blocked by heavy undergrowth on the sides of the jeram and a very steep slope through the slippery rocks. The only way up was to use rope which we didn't have.

What a day! I feel like
Bear Grylls!